All About STEM has partnered with ScottishPower to introduce a fun, interactive primary programme to promote renewable energy.
During the workshops learners have the opportunity to discover more about sustainable energy sources and make their own planet-friendly power stations.
ScottishPower is the first company to produce power through 100% renewable sources and they are always keen to engage the community and schools to introduce who they are and what they do.
All About STEM is known across the region for connecting businesses and organisations with schools to promote science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
ScottishPower in Prenton partnered directly with All About STEM to develop an hour long workshop that looks at what renewable power is and how it is made. Aimed at Year 5 and 6, learners look at processes and energy sources and are inspired by building and making renewable power themselves using All About STEM’s specially-designed kits.
Workshops include problems with fossil fuels, discovering ‘renewables’, hydroelectricity demonstrations, solar and wind power self-build activities and more.
By the end of the workshops students have a practical understanding of what electricity is, how renewable sources can help produce electricity and how electricity is managed and controlled.
Michelle Dow, managing director, All About STEM, said: “It is a pleasure to work with ScottishPower again, they are a major sponsor at our Big Bang North West event and are a company dedicated to promoting STEM in schools.
“We know that we are all responsible for our planet including the next generation, so we are overjoyed to work together in partnership with ScottishPower and play our part by providing fun, interactive energy education for young leaners to encourage a better, sustainable future.”
The programme is currently based in Wirral. There will be further opportunities for schools with more fully-funded events and workshops later in the year.