
Here are the 20 Educate Awards’ categories, click on the category name below to read the criteria.

The Communication Award

How well does your school, academy or college communicate with stakeholders? Looking at the full media spectrum, judges are keen to know how your school has developed strong communication links with pupils, parents, governors, local community and any wider audiences. Does your school’s social media platforms receive high engagement? Does your school actively write and issue press releases in order to secure positive media coverage? Or does your school newsletter have impressive readership figures? The judging panel will be eager to see creative approaches with measured success.  

Outstanding Commitment to the Environment

This category commends schools, academies and colleges who are making a considerable effort to be environmentally friendly and are actively working towards a sustainable future. How is your school encouraging pupils, students, staff and the wider community to think about their actions? Whether it is cutting out single-use plastics, planting trees, litter picking or leading a unique project in the community, the judging panel want to know about all the ways in which your school is helping the environment, raising awareness of climate change and growing a new generation of eco-warriors.  

Careers & Enterprise Award

This category recognises schools, academies and colleges that are preparing young people the best they can for their future careers. Judges will be looking for excellent examples of career-related learning about the range of career pathways and opportunities available to them, whilst also developing a spirit for enterprise amongst pupils or students and encouraging entrepreneurship. Whether its collaborative partnerships; developing the best work experience opportunities; implementation of innovative and creative teaching methods, or talks to students by successful business leaders and entrepreneurs,  judges will need to see clear evidence of aspirational career-related learning and a development of exceptional enterprise and entrepreneurship mind-set, which should show how students are being actively developed to become enquiring, critical thinking and future-orientated thinkers.

SEND Provision Award

This category is looking at the quality of care and education services provided to pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) through a proactive and caring approach which has led to having a real impact within the school. Entries should demonstrate the true meaning of inclusion, removing barriers in the way of SEND children being included in all areas of school. The category is open to both mainstream and special schools. 

Innovative & Creative Literacy Award

How has your school, academy or college developed effective and innovative approaches to embedding the development of literacy skills across all levels of learning? We’re looking for shining examples of excellent reading and writing practice with real innovation that has engaged the whole school. Judges particularly want to see how schools have measured these successes and what the outcomes have been. 

Outstanding Commitment to STEM

The award honours schools, academies and colleges which have a range of exceptional STEM activities or have developed successful STEM projects that promote the importance of science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects to all students. Judges are looking for evidence of high levels of commitment to these subjects, which could either be a specific and successful STEM based project or an overarching approach to STEM across the school or college. Perhaps you can show how your school or college is actively inspiring the next generation of engineers above and beyond the curriculum, or equipping students by providing first class education the area of digital and technology.

Outstanding Arts in Primary School

This category commends primary schools who are providing outstanding arts provisions and opportunities. This can be through stage shows/performances or arts led projects for the academic year 2023-24. Looking at maximum pupil participation across all aspects through to final performances or delivery of the arts led projects, this category is looking for the real stand-out creation or show stopper of the year.

Outstanding Arts in Secondary School

This category commends secondary schools, academies and colleges who are providing outstanding arts provisions and opportunities. This can be through stage shows/performances or arts led projects for the academic year 2023-24. Looking at maximum pupil participation across all aspects through to final performances or delivery of the arts led projects, this category is looking for the real stand-out creation or show stopper of the year.

Community Partnership Award

How has your school, academy or college developed close community partnership links with examples of specific community led projects? Who have your school formed community partnerships with and what have been the results for the school, pupils, parents and the community? This category is looking for the very best partnerships that have delivered real results in the community.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Award

Open to all schools, academies and colleges. This category is looking for the ways that you are effectively tackling mental health issues among pupils and staff. How is your school promoting positive social and emotional wellbeing, mental health and wellness? This award focuses on a long-term culture of a school and those with an ethos where mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all. Entries must show your provision and interventions for pupils and staff, a commitment to promoting mental health as part of school life and can include views from parents, pupils and teachers.

Outstanding Commitment to Sport in Primary School

This category is looking for schools that can demonstrate an outstanding commitment to developing sporting skills and opportunities for pupils to be active on a regular basis through the provisions of teaching, coaching, extracurricular activities and partnerships. What have you done to help your pupils improve their interest in sport and physical activity? How are you delivering above the curriculum? Can you provide evidence to show how sport has delivered success for your school with a positive impact on your pupils?

Outstanding Commitment to Sport in Secondary School

This category is looking for schools that can demonstrate an outstanding commitment to developing sporting skills and opportunities for pupils/students to be active and compete on a regular basis through the provisions of teaching, coaching, extracurricular activities and partnerships. What have you done to help your students improve their interest in sport and physical activity? How are you nurturing talent and ensuring students are provided with opportunities to develop their potential? How are you also developing wide participation in sport in terms of active involvement and also a whole school sporting ethos?

Leadership Team of the Year

This award is for the most outstanding leadership team. It will involve the headteacher/principal and all the senior leadership team (SLT). We are looking for the team who can demonstrate through evidence, why they are leadership team of the year, submissions should highlight key successes for the academic year 2023-24. We are looking for innovative practices. Perhaps you can demonstrate how you have used technology to achieve your school’s strategic goals, or high-level professional development to further build leadership strengths. We are looking for results focused SLTs that have created real impact for its school or college.

Teacher of the Year

This award is looking for outstanding teachers who are bringing learning to life by engaging and inspiring children and young people to fulfil their potential through their tireless efforts, patience, passion, encouragement, dedication and energy. Anyone can nominate a teacher – students/pupils, parents, headteachers and teaching or non-teaching staff..

School Support Star of the Year

This award recognises an individual within a school or college for their outstanding contribution in supporting pupils, students, teachers and the life of the school or college. Examples of support roles include: Teaching assistants, receptionists, technicians, community coordinators, personal assistants, administrators, business managers, governors. etc. We are looking for the star of the school’s support staff team who consistently goes the extra mile and is an inspiration to others.

Most Inspirational Multi Academy Trust

This category recognises a multi academy trust (MAT) which is committed to delivering outstanding educational outcomes for students across all its academies and fostering a culture of continuous improvement in learning and teaching. The entry should showcase inclusive education practices, innovative and effective leadership, strong collaborative practices, effective financial management and investment in professional development of staff, across the whole trust. Judges will be looking for a trust which can evidence the positive impact it has had on student outcomes, staff development, and the broader community, within the 2023-24 academic year. 

Most Inspirational Sixth Form & College

This category is open to school sixth forms and sixth form colleges. Evidence based submissions should clearly show the wide-ranging achievements in A-level and vocational courses, with high ambitions for every student. With inspirational and high levels of teaching and learning, sixth forms and colleges should also be able to demonstrate strong student and staff relationships where students feel highly supported. This category is also looking for the outstanding delivery of careers information, advice, guidance, and support for students.

Most Inspirational Secondary School

What successes has your school achieved during 2023-24 that has inspired pupils, parents or the community? We are looking for a school that can show how they are an inspirational school for this academic year. Judges will be looking for innovative approaches with measured success and the category will be looking at anything the school considers to be inspirational across the whole school curriculum or specific projects.

Most Inspirational Primary School

What successes has your school achieved during 2023-24 that has inspired pupils, parents or the community? We are looking for a school that can show how they are an inspirational school for this academic year. Judges will be looking for innovative approaches with measured success and the category will be looking at anything the school considers to be inspirational across the whole school curriculum or specific projects.

WOW Recognition Award

This category is open to any school, academy or college who believes that they have achieved an outstanding performance, success or achievement for 2023-24. It can relate to anything that the school feel has created that WOW factor for the school. This award is designed to recognise the real stand out and totally inspirational project by a school.