School Improvement Liverpool (SIL) is returning for its fourth year as award sponsors, helping to celebrate the region’s dedicated school support staff.
SIL are experts in education, with a firmly established reputation as one of the leading service providers in the North West.
It has worked with over 900 schools, settings and businesses across the North West and the positive impact from its services in schools, support and professional development opportunities reaches in excess of 100,000 children.
The team spend a lot of time on-site in schools, working collaboratively and striving towards excellence.
Recent events and initiatives include:
- Following on from its success of the Liverpool Early Years SENCo award, SIL are now supporting education professionals on a national scale.
- SIL hosted its first graduation ceremony for NPQ graduates on the middle leaders, senior leaders and headteacher courses.
- It launched a Liverpool health and wellbeing award, which will help impact on the lives of children across Liverpool, by supporting schools to improve the health and wellbeing of their whole school community.
The School Support Star of the Year Award is open to all primary and secondary school support staff, including, but not limited to, teaching assistants, office staff, community coordinators and business managers.
Award nominations can be made by anyone with links to a school and are completely free, either made online or via post.
Naomi Rose, marketing manager, said: “We’re thrilled to be sponsoring the ‘School Support Star of the Year’ at the Educate Awards 2019. This will be our fourth year of sponsoring the category and it’s wonderful to see the high calibre of the nominees on the shortlist year after year.
“School Support Stars can be found in so many different aspects of school life, so it’s always great to see such a broad range of nominees every year. We can’t wait for this year’s event – it’s sure to be another uplifting and inspirational evening!”
Entries are now open for all 21 award categories, with the deadline on Sunday 23 June 2019.
For further information about our award categories and how to enter, go to
How to enter
We have 21 categories celebrating every aspect of the school life, as well as teachers and support staff.
Submitting an entry is so easy and completely free.
Head over to our online entry form and in no more than 750 words tell us why you tick all of the boxes in the category criteria.